Friday, September 30, 2016

Having Fun...

                                     September 30, 2016

Dear Families,
Here are some brief highlights from the week:
Reading- letter name, keyword and sound-m,n,i,a,u,c,o
        - sight word I, a, we, is
        -guided reading, I, reading connection to The
         Little Red Hen
        -concepts of print, reading buddies, storybook
        reading, rereading using a storyteller voice,
        retelling, making a new old favorite with
        Storybooks, speech bubbles.
Math- counting using movement, calendar,  
       simple addition, writing numerals, Ten Frames.
       Identifying numerals through games, number
       word after.
Writing- table captains, writing routines, how to find
        tools, when you are done you have just begun,
         K-Daily News, adding to pictures and words,
         writing partners, word stretching (rubber
         bands), planning a story across pages.
 Social Studies- role play problem solving, asking for
         help, friendship skills.       
Science-Weather watching, fall is here, 5 senses, sense
         of touch-mystery bag.

Another amazing week!  Thank you for sending in well rested and delightful children every day.  Parent/Teacher confirmation schedules will be sent out via backpack on Monday. Have a great weekend!        


Friday, September 23, 2016

                                     September 23, 2016

Dear Families,
Here are some brief highlights from the week:
Reading- letter name, keyword and sound-m,n,i,a,u
        - sight word I, a, we, is
        -concepts of print, reading buddies, storybook
        reading, rereading using a storyteller voice,
        retelling, picture reading, The Three Billy Goats
        Gruff acted out by Nurse Amy.
Math- counting using movement, calendar,  
       simple addition, writing numerals, Ten Frames.
Writing- table captains, writing routines, how to find
         tools, when you are done you have just begun,
         K-Daily News, adding to pictures and words,
         writing partners, word stretching (rubber
 Social Studies- role play problem solving, asking for
         help, friendship skills.       
Science-Weather watching, fall is here, 5 senses, hand
         Washing and staying healthy with Nurse Amy.

Wow, this week really flew!  This is an amazing class of readers who love telling stories and writing.  Have an amazing first fall weekend!         Jan

Nurse Amy teaches about healthy habits---Scrubby Bear

Friday, September 16, 2016

September 16, 2016

Dear Families,
Here are some brief highlights from the week:
Reading- letter name, keyword and sound-m,n,i,a
        - sight word I, a, we, is
        -concepts of print, reading buddies, finding
         “Wow” pages to share, putting a “pinch” of you
          Into reading, name study continues.
Math- counting using movement, calendar,  
       simple addition, writing numerals.
Writing- table captains, writing routines, how to find
         tools, when you are done you have just begun,
         A chart, I Wiggle chart, K-Daily News,
         Stretching words to write, writing partners
Social Studies- role play problem solving strategies,
                 asking for help, ish is ok, 2nd Step skills
                 for learning (focus, eyes watching,
                 ears listening, voice quiet, body still)

Science-Weather watching, fall is coming

Thank you for sending children that love to learn and laugh every day.  I feel lucky to be able to learn and teach such amazing scholars.

Friday, September 9, 2016

In the Garden

                                     September 9, 2016

Dear Families,
Here are some brief highlights from the week:
Reading- letter name, keyword and sound-t,b,f
        - sight word I and a
        -concepts of print, reading buddies, linking
         pages using and, rereading and keeping track,
         reading pictures using our fingers.
Math- counting using movement, calendar, routines,
       simple addition, writing numerals.
Writing- table captains, writing routines, how to find
         tools, when you are done you have just begun,
         writing like writers do-think, draw, write, we
         are all writers and readers.
Social Studies- literature and discussion about assertion,
                 responsibility and empathy, role play
                 problem solving strategies.
Science-Harvesting carrots and watering the garden
         with Nurse Amy.

Lots of playing outside and inside the classroom, read alouds, interactive writing and reading and shared writing and reading.  Many shared stories, laughter and fun. I can hardly wait to come to school in the morning.