Sunday, February 12, 2017

                                  February 10, 2017

Dear Families,
Here are some brief highlights from the week:

Reading- sight word I, a, we, is, the, said, can, to, like, my It, for, where, no, yes, to, do, you, and, if, in,
me, he, she, be, with, here
vowel team ea, ee, ou, ow, oy,oi- blends st, bl,-
Word families -at and -op
rereading to see if it makes sense, looks right, sounds right, word powers, using bigger muscles for longer words,  reading the whole word and blending, vowel work, making real/not real words, looking for word
parts to figure out even longer words. retelling, looking at word endings, fluency, using your voice to make the story come alive, talking about character feelings
Math- simple addition, writing numerals, Ten Frames. Identifying numerals through games, number
word before/after, counting backwards
10-1 and 17-1, counting by 10’s and by 1’s to 100,
finger patterns 1-20, math skill work, decomposing numbers using games, problem solving strategies,
equations, 10’s and ones, combinations of 6-10,
writing greater numbers, dot patterns, comparing by weight using pan balances
Writing- K-Daily News, writing partners, word stretching,, making writing readable, leaving spaces, punctuation, using uppercase
letter at the beginning of sentences, partner
strategies, partners as teachers, giving and
receiving advice, rereading, adding details,
rereading to see if it sounds right, looks right and makes sense, beginning how-to books, steps, using the word you to teach, adding labels to pictures for clarity
Social Studies- role play problem solving,  friendship skills, stress reliever strategies bullying strategies, families
Science-Weather watching, how weather changes our lives, evaporation   
We will be having a brief time on February 14th to open Valentine’s/Friendship cards.  This will be a very short activity at the end of the day. If your child chooses to bring them in please send in one for everyone.  Please do not send in candy or food with the cards or a special snack to share at snack time, that way everyone can be food safe and enjoy the day.  
                     Have a wonderful weekend!